C'era una volta 1973

Animation Family Fantasy

"Once Upon a Time" is a mix of the fairy tales Mother Holle and Cinderella. Maria, Bello, and Mr. Bottle are quite happy. However, life changes when a wandering con artist tricks Mr. Bottle...

Alle Titel
  • --: Maria d'Oro und Bello Blue Maria d'Oro und Bello Blue
  • FR: Le monde merveilleux de cendrillon Le monde merveilleux de cendrillon
  • HU: A bűvös kő és a csodakút A bűvös kő és a csodakút
  • UA: Cinderella's Wonderland Cinderella's Wonderland
  • US: Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time
  • --: Der Zauberstein Der Zauberstein
  • --: Maria de oro y el perrito azul Maria de oro y el perrito azul
  • --: Rolf Kauka's Once Upon a Time Rolf Kauka's Once Upon a Time
  • : Maria d'oro Maria d'oro
Release 12 Dec 1973
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